DELIVERIERS FOR today 14/2 feb HAVE CLOSED NO MORE PICK UP ORDERS BEING ACCEPTED, NO DELIVERIES FOR TODAY.,if you order for today it will be delivered tomorrow or monday, SOLD OUT OF RED ROSES....if we sell out of your flower , red roses have sold out for today, we may have more in tomorrow, so if your not happy with a substiute dont place the order....... EXTENDED HOURS SEE GOOGLE PROFILE, - CAN ORDER FOR TOMORROW DELIVERY OR INSTORE .....corsages unavailable til after 28/2. - Apologies no time sensitive deliveries eg schools, kindles or hospitals during week if valentines 11th- 14th……WE MUST HAVE TWO CONTACT NUMBERS SO INCLUDE RECIPIENTS Mobile…....if picking up instore put your pick up time in with card message.. .WE accept credit cards , paypal, Shoppay, AFTERPAY……….

Valentines - pick up or delivery

WELCOME TO VALENTINES 2025,  FRIDAY  14th February  WE WILL BE DELIVERING SAT 15 and sunday 16 as well.  Extended trading during Valentines week see google profile for hours


IF DELIVERY is to a  BUSINESS we deliver all day (8 AM -5PM- mon-friday) ASK FOR thursday 13TH DELIVERY IF YOUR PERSON LEAVES EARLY on valentines day  - couriers will not guarantee time requested deliveries. No deliveries to schools, kindys or hospitals on Valentines week.

RESiDENTIAL 7AM - 7PM (m-f), BUSINESS 8 - 5PM (m-f), YOU MUST INCLUDE RECIPIENTS MOBILE which is only used if there is an issue on delivery. 

IN-store HOURS SEE GOOGLE, instagram & facebook  

38 products