corsages unavailable til after 28/2. - Apologies no time sensitive deliveries eg schools, kindles or hospitals during week if valentines 11th- 14th……WE MUST HAVE TWO CONTACT NUMBERS SO INCLUDE RECIPIENTS Mobile…....if picking up instore put your pick up time in with card message.. .WE accept credit cards , paypal, Shoppay, AFTERPAY……….

Single STem roses (quantiybuys) suitable for funerals - all colours

Single STem roses (quantiybuys) suitable for funerals - all colours

Regular price $66.00 Sale

Single stem roses, multi colours, state in the card message below your preferences of colour.  Come with a bow colour to suit  or occasion or special requests. We do need notice prior to ordering please call 0434 379218 to check before ordering, if you have emailed referred to your email date, if picking up put your pick up time in there as well

FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REASON THIS WILL BE RAW (NO PLATIC WRAPS) does not include greener or filler, just raw stems with flower head