DELIVERIERS FOR today 14/2 feb HAVE CLOSED NO MORE PICK UP ORDERS BEING ACCEPTED, NO DELIVERIES FOR TODAY.,if you order for today it will be delivered tomorrow or monday, SOLD OUT OF RED ROSES....if we sell out of your flower , red roses have sold out for today, we may have more in tomorrow, so if your not happy with a substiute dont place the order....... EXTENDED HOURS SEE GOOGLE PROFILE, - CAN ORDER FOR TOMORROW DELIVERY OR INSTORE .....corsages unavailable til after 28/2. - Apologies no time sensitive deliveries eg schools, kindles or hospitals during week if valentines 11th- 14th……WE MUST HAVE TWO CONTACT NUMBERS SO INCLUDE RECIPIENTS Mobile…....if picking up instore put your pick up time in with card message.. .WE accept credit cards , paypal, Shoppay, AFTERPAY……….

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LILAC - Farm fresh flowers

Regular price $79.99 Sale

A vintage style bunch of fresh lizzianthus and spray carnations and roses and beautifully presented with a fibre wrap . if a variety is unavailable we will substitute for similar.


Dont forget your 1. card message in notes, 2. recipients mobile in shipping 3. delivery date under product  If delivery date is not indicated it will be assumed its for today providing it meets the destinations cut off time, Minimum  site purchase is $44.  To avoid second delivery fee please provide full and accurate address. All times are Queensland Times

Super easy, simple and the freshest flowers sooner, utilising flowers straight from the growers as much as possible and supporting local producers 

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